Western High School Thespian Troupe #4259

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Staff Sponsor: Daniel Bonnett

Contact Info: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Direct Line:  754-323-2434

Meeting Times and Location: Every other Thursday; 2:50-3:30 in room 425


2013-2014 Officers:

  • President- Andrea Bozkurt
  • Vice President- Grant Brecheisen
  • Treasurer- Melody Zapata
  • Secretary- Bruno Enciso

Purpose/Description: The troupe is the honors component of the school’s theatre program. Its purpose shall be the advancement of standards of excellence in theatre. More specifically, the troupe will encourage students to attain a better mastery of the theatre arts and will reward those who achieve it with induction into the troupe. It provides a platform to compete at state/province and local level programming expands students’ educational and theatrical horizons by providing exposure to theatre arts educators and professionals beyond the school faculty. They also get the chance to meet and even work with theatre students from other schools. This promotes a strong sense of belonging to a community that is beyond their own school’s theatre department. It also provides perspective by allowing them to compare their accomplishments to those of their peers on a larger scale.  ITS provides a wide range of merchandise to aid troupe directors in student recognition. While good work is its own reward, additional incentives often help to motivate students to reach a little farther. Only official directors of active ITS troupes may purchase ITS graduation and honor items to award to inducted students. These include graduation honor cords, graduation tassels, certificates of achievement, Thespian seals, trophies and plaques, medallions, and an ITS pin system for recognizing induction and subsequent achievement. All ITS honor items are optional, so troupes may incorporate as much or as little as they wish into their program depending on the financial resources available in their school or community.