Tresspassing Policy
Students are reminded that being on another school campus during regular school hours is trespassing. The School District has a zero tolerance policy and you will be arrested if you trespass another campus including Flamingo Elementary. If you are on their campus you will be arrested and suspended for 10 days.
Absentee calls are excused because of the reason of the absence. A parent must call in and give the reason for the absence or it will not be excused. When a parent calls in to excuse an absence, the following information must be given: -
- Parent's Name
- Student's Name
- Student's Identification Number
- Reason for Absence
- Date(s) of Absence
- Parent(s) and /or Guardian(s) must call the absence in within a 48 hour period from the absence.
For a Permitted Absence and/or an extended absence, you must arrange it with the Attendance Office at least 5 days in advance.
Sign In/Sign Outs
A parent, guardian, or designated person on the emergency card must come in to the Student Affairs office to sign the student out. If the person is not listed on the emergency card, they will not be permitted to sign the student out. The sign in/sign out will be excused depending on the reason. A student can not be signed out by way of a phone call from the parent, guardian or the designated person.
Students who leave campus without signing out will be considered unexcused.
Parents coming in to sign out students during a lunch period are not permitted to enter the cafeteria and must wait until their child's lunch period ends to sign the child out of school
Western High School is a closed campus and students are not to leave during the lunch periods. The cafeteria serves a variety of meals that include, but are not limited to, hot and cold sandwiches, salads, soups, pizza, vegetables, etc.
Cell Phones
Students are permitted to possess a cell phone. However, the phone must be turned off and kept out of sight during school hours, i.e. inside a pocket, a book bag, a purse, or a similar container. If a student uses a cell phone during school hours or the phone is on and emits any ring tone or other noise, i.e. vibration, it will be confiscated. Violators will be subject to progressive disciplinary measures.
No Smoking Policy
Western High School is a drug-free school. Absolutely no smoking is permitted on campus.
Lost & Found
Found items are to be turned into security. Books will be returned to the assigning teacher, if the teacher's and student's names are not listed in the book.
All visitors with official business must report to the main office upon entering the campus. Unauthorized individuals are subject to arrest for trespassing. Permission will not be given to bring visitors/friends to shadow during school time.
Spanish Club
Art Club
Drama/Thespian Club
Gaming Club Meeting
Film Society Club