Bring Your Own Device Instructions

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BYOD Instructions



Connect to wireless network bcpsguest with password internet

Open a web browser and you will be redirected to a sign-in page.

Students Information

Username: Your student number

Password: capital P + 2 digit month + / + 2 digit day + / + 4 digit year of birthdate.

Example:  You were born on March 20th 1999.  The password would be P03/20/1999

Please remember the P must be capital and slashes must be included between the month/day.


Self registration

Once you login successfully and the setup is done restart your device!

Pre-Registration from Home:
Users are encouraged to pre-check their device from home by visiting
After logging in, a small dissolvable agent will automatically begin to download. This must be run to scan the system for any potential issues. The agent is dissolvable meaning once it does a quick scan, it deletes itself automatically. Running this pre-check will allow the user to correct any identified issues from home so that when they get to school they can get right on the network with little delay.