1250 Nob Hill Road, Davie, FL  33324
Phone: (954) 382-6350

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Cafeteria Information

 School breakfasts and lunches are designed to promote eating well-balanced meals. The dining experience offers an opportunity for our students to practice good social skills as they interact with other classmates.

 Students in the cafeteria are under the direct supervision of school personnel. No student may leave the cafeteria area without the permission of an adult on duty.

 Breakfast is available from 7:30 a.m. until 7:55 a.m. for those who are non-bussed students. We will not be able to serve students who arrive late. Bussed students will be fed upon arrival.

 Children may bring their own lunch (no glass or cans), or they may purchase one from the school cafeteria. Meals or milk may be paid for in advance on Monday mornings. Free or reduced price meals are available to families who qualify under Federal Regulations. Application forms are available from the office.

Breakfast and lunch prices are as follows:

 Breakfast - $.50

 Lunch (children) - $1.00

 Lunch (adult) - $1.75