








Doors to Diplomacy Web Page Contest Finalists:
Elliot McCaskill,
Sonia Hudson,
David Huang
& Katherine Leon  

Advisor: Mrs. Vlachakis

Our Winning Site:


Science & Technology Category 4 Finalists

260 schools worldwide representing 300,000 students from 45 countries participated in Global SchoolNet's International Schools CyberFair competition this year. The Doors to Diplomacy Award was specially created for CyberFair, a contest that encourages students and educators to join together to build high-quality, educational Web sites on a variety of topics and share them as learning tools to millions of people around the globe. Global SchoolNet is a not-for-profit, Internet-based education program, which prepares students for the workforce and helps them to become responsible literate and global citizens. Our team and another school won the Category 4 Science and Technology section for our website .

To read more about the web page contest we won visit the doors to diplomacy web site at:
























For more information, email the .