September 13, 2006

Western High School
SAC Meeting

The September 13, 2006 SAC meeting was called to order by Chair Amy Eisenberg at 3:00 in the Room 707.  Copies of the agenda, August meeting minutes, and Guidance Report were made available.

CHAIR:  Amy Eisenberg
VICE CHAIR:  Denise Kunz
SECRETARY:  Robbie Sumby
FACULTY/STAFF: Tina Bajger, Linda Morrell, Dorie Carolides, Mike Conti (BTU), Ida Gaudet, Sheri Werbin, Colleen Borden, Will De Salazar, Hattie Giles, Karl Linhart, Linda Wojcik
PARENTS:  Sharon Veingrad, Janet Laiacona (ESE), Kim Sereda, Mary Blackinton, Susan Dirgins-Friend, Jacquie Cotugno, Colleen Weigel
STUDENTS:  Calvin Sereda, Alex Bajger, Jamie Diersing, Joseph Veingrad, Christine Cinti, Rachel Sereda, Kat Denoncourt, Daniel Veingrad, Ashley Werbin


FACULTY/STAFF:  Denise Jones (for Mr. Fiske), Patty Brown, Dr. Dierdre Wilson, Michelle Kefford
STUDENTS:  Maura Morinucci
PARENTS:  Amelia Stolarz, Robin Katzenstein, Marcy Fallahzadeh, Danita Dorris

After Ms. Eisenberg asked everyone to review the minutes from the August 16, 2006 meeting, it was motioned, seconded and passed to accept the minutes.

Ms. Sereda reported that there had not been a District meeting as yet because of Tropical Storm Ernesto.  Concerns that have come up are the Pinnacle system; i.e., data not entered, not dated, etc.  TAC is looking at these problems.  If anyone has particular issues regarding Pinnacle, they can email Kim Sereda and she will pass the concerns along.  Also, there are questions on the new attendance policy.  Everyone is encouraged to vote in the upcoming election in which some School Board members will be elected.

Ms. Bajger reported on the High School Council meeting.  Guest Speakers Cynthia Park and Joyce Greenberg addressed Advanced Academics & Studies topics.  There was also discussion of High School Reform.  Parents are concerned that students have to declare “majors and minors” so early.  It was pointed out that these majors are basically areas of focus for the students and can be changed.

Parent concerns brought up at this time were the lack of covered walkways for the portables during all the bad weather and lunch lines that are so long that students are not able to eat lunch.  Ms. Jones, representing Mr. Fiske at this meeting, said that she would make Mr. Fiske aware of these concerns.  There are plans underway for possible updating of the cafeteria in the future. 

The faculty and staff voted on the proposals for distribution of the A+ monies on August 24, 2006.  Proposal #1 (equal distribution + $25,000 for school FCAT incentive use) was overwhelming approved.  We are still waiting for the funds to be placed in the SAF account which should happen in October.  At that time, the names of eligible employees will be submitted for payment.

Dr. Wilson referred everyone to the Guidance Report Handout.  Western hosted the Advanced Placement District Level Coordinators meeting.  There will be an AP audit to provide feedback to College Board, as a check and balance system to insure that all high schools have adequate programs in progress.  We are again this year a satellite center for co-enrolled students.  We offer classes in English, Math and Social Studies at this time.

The Guidance Department has been very busy with testing already this year.  The CELLA testing for ESOL students was conducted by ESOL contact Ms. Martel and several school faculty/staff members.  Benchmark testing for grades 9 & 10 takes place on September 19 & 20.  FCAT retakes for grade 11 & 12 students who have not yet met the FCAT graduation requirement takes place September 25 & 26.  The PSAT will be on October 18.  This is for all 10th graders at no charge, and for any 9th or 11th student who wants to pay the $12 fee to test.  Guidance has already begun collecting the fees from those students.  Western is again this year an ACT and SAT testing site.  Dr. Wilson stressed how important it is for our students to register online early for these tests.  If they don’t, students from other schools take the testing spots and then there are no openings left for our own students to test here.  The main reason Dr. Wilson pursued Western’s becoming a testing site is so that our students have access to this important testing at their home school so they need to take advantage of it.  Counselors will be visiting classrooms to inform students about testing and other opportunities such as  We have 5 seniors who qualify as semi-finalists for the National Merit Scholarship this year.  Dr. Wilson talked about the WINGS program offered by BCC for women who need assistance in career transition.

Ms. Sereda brought up that there is dissatisfaction throughout the district with the amount of class time that is used for FCAT prep, even for those students who have already passed the FCAT graduation requirements. Parents feel that having FCAT prep in every class, including subjects like Personal Fitness is too much.  Students who are in honors and high level classes still have to participate in the FCAT prep and it is felt that valuable time is taken away from the subject matter. Ms. Sereda noted that around the county, the School Improvement plans are all geared to FCAT and don’t address other important issues.  Ms. Jones responded that even for students who have passed FCAT, it can be good practice and help prepare students for success at the college level.  She will discuss the matter with Mr. Fiske.

Ms. Kunz read a memo regarding School Board Policy 5000 which states that each school will hold at least one School Capacity Conference, previously know as School Boundary Conference.  The purpose is to determine whether the school should participate in the boundary process based on how their school will or will not meet the class size reduction target for the 2007-08 school year.  All critically overcrowded schools or those projected not to meet the class size target must submit at least 3 alternative enrollment options from those listed in School Board Policy 5000.  Ms. Jones stated that when our new wing opens, we should be in good shape.

It was motioned and seconded to accept the follow new members to the School Advisory Council: Calvin Sereda, student; Jamie Diersing, student; Sheri Werbin, staff member.  Motion passed.

Our meetings will be changed to the last Wednesday of the month.  The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 25, 2006.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Robbie Sumby, Secretary


© Western High School, 1200 SW 136th Street, Davie, FL 33327