"Lover's Entitled Winners"
A play by Brian Friel

What happens when the pressures of being an adult is suddenly thrust upon two high school students? The community will get an answer on September 28th & 29th at 7:30 p.m. when Western High School’s Drama Department will explore this very subject as they open the 2006-2007 theatre season with the first act of Brian Friel’s play, Lovers entitled Winners. In Winners, three narrators are present on either side of the stage. They speak without emotion about a 17-year-old girl and a boy (a half a year older) who are on their way to meet upon a hilltop to study before examinations and perhaps talk about marriage. She is bubbling with life and is extreme in her enthusiasms. Whatever she likes, she loves; whatever she dislikes, she hates—momentarily. Joe, who follows, is earnest and has a total and touching belief in the value of education. While Joe tries to study, Mag talks, teases, sulks, gets angry and yet loving, too! Dispassionately, as the power and beauty of this love scene develop, the commentators tell us that the young lovers will soon be in a fatal accident. In the midst of enchantment, we discover the effects of this tragedy that will be. In the magic of this masterpiece, we see the lovers not only in this moment but in all time, and we share in their triumph, for despite the coming accident, they are, as the title suggests, winners. Heading the cast will be WHS Junior, Chelsea Cranshaw, and Senior, Renier Colina , playing Mag and Joe respectively. Their journey is chronicled by Amanda Maxwell, Ulysses Perez and Heather Scheick assuming the roles of the narrators; Amie Litchenstein will be the Stage Manager. Mr. Bonnett (WHS Drama teacher) will direct assisted by Trey Esparza, Thespian Troupe 4259’s acting coach. Since arriving at Western, Mr. Bonnett and Mr. Esparza have led the aspiring thespians to victory by winning District 13’s One Act Festival for the last two years and this production will serve as Western’s entry in District 13’s Florida State Thespian One Act Play Festival in January 2007. General admission tickets are available at the door beginning one hour before curtain time for $5.00 each. For more information on Winners or how you can assist Thespian Troupe 4259, please call Western’s Drama Department directly at 754-323-2434.

Cast of "Lover's Entitled Winners"
Click on the Image to Enlarge

See the other WHS DRAMA 2006-2007 PLAYS>>


© Western High School, 1200 SW 136th Street, Davie, FL 33327