Western Engineering Club participaticipation in the Broward Student Technology Association Competition, on made on April 1st was a big success.

Congratulations to:
Nick Prior and Rob Grindell for taking 1st Place in the Structures-Bridges Competition
Alan Goldman, Jordan Ehren, and Nick Prior for taking 1st place in Team Tech Bowl Oral Competition.
Alan Goldman - 1st Place , Jordan Ehren - 2nd Place and Joe Vinegrad- 3rd Place

In the Tech Bowl Written Competition. Can you say SWEEP?
Chad Baumgart and Andrew Mendez - 1st Place in the Problem Solving Competition
"Richy" Gautier - 1st Place in the Prepared Speech Competition

Also congratulations to the following students for their effort:
Chad Baumgart - 4th Place in CO2 Car Competition
Alan Goldman - 5th Place in CO2 Car Competition
Andrew Mendez - 8th Place CO2 Car Competition
Ian Achong - 4th Place in the Flight Challenge Competition

Other Participants included:
Dyland Rand
Mark Wimberly
Liem Devine You Guys (and Gal ) ROCK - Great Job
Eric Gonzalez
Jessica Liles

I'm Proud of Each Participant and Proud of the Efforts put forth towards making Western High School a Great Place to Learn & Serve.

A Special Thanks goes to:
Mr. Arnie Moore for his willingness to Chaperone and be a Judge at the Competitions.
Thank you Nick for driving us to and from the event.
Thank you to Maria for her help with the field trip.
Thank you to Mr. Fiske and Mr. Works for graciously allowing us to have an Engineering Club, to fund raise and for allowing us to participate in this worth wild event.

© Western High School, 1200 SW 136th Street, Davie, FL 33325