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Wildcat Word Day Wall

 --Each day WHS wildcats are presented with a new word to help them prepare for the FCAT--
Students who use 10 "Word of the Day" words in a meaningful way in second period, i.e., writing assignments, classroom discussion, will earn lunch rewards.
Please see your homeroom teachers for more information

--Click on the month to see the words we have learned--

August | September | October | November | December

Word of the Day - December 2004

December 1

animosity (noun)

ae nE ma sih ti

Definition: strong hatred; feeling of hostility

Sentence: The mob showed its animosity toward the criminal by pelting him with rotten eggs.


December 2

bequeath (verb)

bE kwith

Definition: to hand down or to leave behind as in a last will

Sentence: In his will, Mr. Shay bequeathed his old baseball cap to Joey, who had always admired it.


December 3

circumspect (adjective)

suhr kEm spehkt

Definition: cautious; careful

Sentence: Harold is always circumspect when speaking because he's afraid of saying the wrong thing.


December 6

diminutive (adjective/noun)

dih mIn yE tihv

Definition: (adjective) small; miniature; (noun) word form indicating small size

Sentence: Casey seems younger than she is because of her diminutive size.


December 7

enigma (noun)

ih nIg mE

Definition: a mystery; a riddle; a baffling mater or person.

Sentence: No one can figure out Julie's true feelings; she's a real enigma.


December 8

flamboyant (adjective)

flaem boy Ent

Definition: excessively showy and flashy

Sentence: Rita's flamboyant clothes may not be tasteful, but they attract everyone's attention.


December 9

gullible (adjective)

guh lih bEl

Definition: easily deceived; easily tricked

Sentence: Is Hector so gullible that he believed my story about finding a million dollars in a grocery bag?


December 10

haughty (adjective)

haw ti

Definition: arrogant; proud of oneself and scornful of others

Sentence: Her haughty attitude suggests that she thinks of herself as some kind of superior being.


December 13

impetuous (adjective)

ihm peh chu Es

Definition: impulsive; rash; acting suddenly with little or no thought

Sentence: Alex's impetuous behavior always lands him in hot water; he should slow down and think first.


December 14

laudable (adjective)

law dE bEl

Definition: praiseworthy; deserving commendation

Sentence: The students' laudable achievements were recognized with certificates and applause.


December 15

mettle (noun)

meh tEl

Definition: courage and fortitude (strength in facing adversity, danger, or temptation courageously).

Sentence: The mettle shown by the U. S. soldiers in Iraq is admirable.


December 16

pristine (adjective)

prI stin

Definition: pure; unspoiled; original

Sentence: Pristine wilderness is hard to find these days; most of the land has been altered in some way.


December 17

repertoire (noun)

reh pEr twar

Definition: a list of skills, methods, or performance pieces

Sentence: Jackie's limited repertoire consists of a few old favorites that she sings over and over.


December 20

spendthrift (noun)

spehnd thrIft

Definition: one who spends wastefully

Sentence: Adam would have some savings if he wasn't such a spendthrift.


December 21

terse (adjective)


Definition: brief; to the point; free of needless words.

Sentence: The terse statement informed us that the strike was settled, but it did not give us any details.


December 22

verbose (adjective)

vEr bos

Definition: wordy; using too many words

Sentence: Needless words made Lee's verbose report an awful bore.


Word of the Day - November 2004

November 1

abscond verb

Eb skand

Definition: to flee; to escape; to withdraw.

Sentence: Herbert, our trusted treasurer, absconded with the bake sale proceeds.


November 2

benevolent adjective

bE neh vE lEnt

Definition: kindly, disposed to do good.

Sentence: Carol is always doing good things for others; I wish all my friends were as benevolent as she is.


November 3

clandestine adjective

klaen deh stihn

Definition: secret; hidden; undercover.

Sentence: Peg swore not to tell anyone, not even her pet cat, Mitzi, about the clandestine mission.


November 4

didactic adjective

dai daek tihk

Definition: instructive, intended to teach or instruct.

Sentence: Many of Dr. Seuss' stories are didactic, meant to teach kids to do the right thing.


November 5

embellish verb

ihm beh lihsh

Definition: to improve or expand by adding ornament or detail.

Sentence: Each time Becky tells the story of her victory, she embellishes it with some imaginary details.


November 8

flagrant adjective

fle grEnt

Definition: extremely conspicuous or evident.

Sentence: Driving while intoxicated shows a flagrant disregard for one's own safety and for the safety of others.


November 9

gregarious adjective

grE ge ri Es

Definition: sociable; outgoing.

Sentence: With her gregarious personality, Doreen is always surrounded by a group of friends.


November 10

hypothetical adjective

hai pE theh tih kEl

Definition: supposed; presumed to exist.

Sentence: How to track down the Loch Ness monster is a hypothetical problem because it is not real.


November 11

No school


November 12

indelible adjective

In deh lE bEl

Definition: unable to be erased or removed; permanent.

Sentence: Mr. Kim's words left an indelible impression on Ken, who never forgot his counselor's advice.


November 15

juxtapose verb

juhk stE poz

Definition: to put side by side to compare and contrast.

Sentence: If you juxtapose the two sculptures, you can see that one is larger than the other.


November 16

kindle verb

kIn dEl

Definition: to light a fire; to light up; to excite; to arouse.

Sentence: After Star Trek kindled Eddie's interest in space travel, he wanted to be an astronaut.


November 17

labyrinth noun

lae bE rihnth

lae brihnth

Definition: maze; a structure with complex, hard to follow passages.

Sentence: She got lost in a labyrinth of corridors and stairways before finding the principal's office.


November 18

mitigate verb

mI tih get

Definition: to make milder; to become less severe.

Sentence: Dana hoped that her doctor's note would mitigate the penalty for coming late to class.


November 19

ombudsman noun

am bEdz mEn

Definition: A man who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution or organization.

Sentence: An ombudsman is a government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens' complaints against the government or its functionaries.


November 22

poignant adjective

poyn yEnt

Definition: moving to the emotions; touching.

Sentence: We were close to tears over Mel's poignant story of the lost puppy.


November 23

revere verb

rih vir

Definition: to honor and admire profoundly.

Sentence: The huge surprise birthday party revealed how much the students revered their old teacher.


November 24

supersede verb

su pEr sid

Definition: to replace; to substitute something superior in place of.

Sentence: The word processor has superseded the typewriter as a vital piece of office equipment.


November 25

No school.


November 26

No school.


November 29

travesty adjective

trae vih sti

Definition: a mockery; a poor imitation.

Sentence: The judge was so prejudiced that he made a travesty out of the defendant's right to a fair trial.


November 30

zenith noun

zi nihth

Definition: peak; highest point.

Sentence: Jessica reached the zenith of her basketball career when she scored 44 points in a single game.


Word of the Day - October

October 1

abjure verb

Definition: To recant solemnly; renounce or repudiate. To renounce under oath.

Sentence: The defendant adjured his previous testimony.


October 4

belie verb

Definition: 1. To give a false representation to, or to misrepresent. 2. To show to be false or to contradict.

Sentence: Their laughter belied their outward anger.


October 5

chromosome noun

Definition: A threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of animal and plant cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information.

Sentence: Chromosomes occur in pairs in all of the cells of eukaryotes except the reproductive cells. 


October 6

deleterious adjective

Definition: Having a harmful effect or injurious.

Sentence: "I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous." (Hippocratic Oath)


October 7

enfranchise verb

Definition: 1. To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote. 2. To free, as from slavery ot bondage.

Sentence: Many people who were enfranchised were nonetheless unable to vote because of onerous poll taxes.


October 8

fatuous adjective

Definition: Foolish or silly, especially in a smug or self-satisfied way.

Sentence: "Don't you like the poor lonely bachelor?" he yammered in a fatuous way. (Sinclair Lewis, Main Street

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October 11

gerrymander verb

Definition: To divide a geographic area into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.

Sentence: (Word History) The word gerrymander was created by combining the word salamander with the last name of Elbridge Gerry, a former governor of Massachusetts. Gerry was immortalized in this word because an election district created by members of his party in 1812 looked like a salamander.


October 12

hemoglobin noun

Definition: The iron containing pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about 6% heme (short for hematin) and 94% globin.

Sentence: In vertebrates, hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body and carries carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.


October 13

impeach verb

Definition: 1a. To make an accusation against a person. 1b. To charge a public official with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal. 2. To challenge the validity of, or try to discredit.

Sentences: The House of Representatives impeached Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998; neither was convicted.

The lawyer impeached the witness's credibility with a string of damaging questions.


October 14

jejune adjective

Definition: 1. Not interesting or dull. 2. Lacking maturity or childish. 3. Lacking in nutrition.

Sentences: The coach was dismayed at the players' jejune behavior after they won the game.

The sickly child suffered from a jejune diet.


October 15

Planning Day


October 18

kowtow verb

Definition: 1. To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formerly done in China. 2. To show servile deference.

Sentence: Because everyone on staff was afraid of being laid off, they all kowtowed to their strict boss.


October 19

laissez faire or laisser faire noun

Definition: An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of, or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws. 2. Noninterference in the affairs of others.

Sentence: Laissez faire (or laisser faire) is the theory that government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs.


October 20

metamorphosis noun

Definition: A marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function; a transformation.

Sentence: Metamorphosis includes, in insects, the transformation of a maggot into an adult fly and a caterpillar into a butterfly, and in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog.


October 21

nonsectarian adjective

Definition: Not limited to or associated with a particular religious denomination.

Sentence: The airport chapel conducts nonsectarian services daily.


October 22

omnipotent adjective

Definition: Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force, all powerful.

Sentence: An omnipotent being is viewed as having great or unlimited authority or power.


October 25

paradigm noun

Definition: 1. One that serves as a pattern or model. 2. A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.

Sentence: The paradigm governing international competition has shifted dramatically in the last three decades.


October 26

recapitulate verb

Definition: To repeat in concise form. To review by a brief summary, as at the end of a speech or discussion, summarize.

Sentence: At the end of my presentation about the solar system, the teacher asked me to recapitulate.

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October 27

sanguine adjective

Definition: 1. Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident. 2. Reddish, ruddy, of the color of blood, red.

Sentence: The young college student felt sanguine about her future.


October 28

tectonic adjective

Definition: 1. Of or relating to the forces involved in forming the geological features, such as mountains, continents, and oceans, of the earth's lithosphere. 2. Relating to construction or building. Architectural.

Sentence: The processes of plate tectonics, such as mountain building, are tectonic events.


October 29

vehement adjective

Definition: Forceful or intense in expression, emotion, or conviction.

Sentence: The senator issued a vehement denial regarding the report linking him to a scandal.


Word of the Day - August 2004
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August 16

adamant (AD-uh-munt), adjective

Definition: Unwilling to submit; stubborn and unyielding. Historically, adamant refers to a legendary stone of infinite hardness.

Sentence: Despite the objections of their families, Robin and Tim were adamant about moving away from the town in which they had been raised.


August 17

adherent (ad-HERE-unt), noun

Definition: Someone who adheres to an opinion. Adherent describes one who is devoted to or strongly associated with a cause or opinion.

Sentence: Adherents for cancer research organized a walk to raise money for this worthy cause.


August 18

ambiguous (am-BIG-yoo-us), adjective

Definition: Unclear, capable of supporting a number of differing interpretations. Ambiguous can refer to a person as well as a passage in a piece of writing.

Sentence: It was clear from his note that he had left the country, but on the matter of his final destination the writer was ambiguous.


August 19

barrage (buh-ROZH), noun

Definition: Concentrated outpouring or volley. A barrage is an overwhelming torrent of something, usually words, blows, or projectiles. The word was originally used only in a military sense.

Sentence: The defense attorney subjected the witness to a barrage of questions about the events of that night.


August 20

bemused (bee-MYOOZD), adjective

Definition: The quality of being bewildered, perplexed, or lost in reflection. A person who is preoccupied or confused by something is bemused.

Sentence: Victor stared bemused at the photograph of his father in full military dress - a man he had never thought of in quite that way.

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August 23

binary (BYE-nair-ee), adjective

Definition: Constructed of two elements; of or pertaining to two. A binary number system is one with two digits; zero and one.

Sentence: The decimal number 2 would be written as 10 in binary notation, since one times two to the first power plus zero times two to the zero power equals two.

August 24

boorish (BOO-rish), adjective

Definition: Offensive; lacking manners, civility, or consideration. A boorish person is one who is unfamiliar with social graces.

Sentence: Everett's boorish behavior at the party was completely out of character for him.


August 25

canard (kuh-NARD), noun

Definition: A fabrication or unfounded story. Someone who spreads a rumor he or she knows to be false and harmful would be guilty of circulating a canard.

Sentence: The claim that the president of the company is likely to resign soon has been thoroughly discredited, but you will still hear some members of the opposition spreading the canard.


August 26

capacious (kuh-PAY-shus), adjective

Definition: Capable of holding a great deal of something. Something that is spacious or capable of encompassing a large quantity of an item can be said to be capacious.

Sentence: Don't let his show of ignorance fool you; he has a capacious memory and a strong eye for detail.

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August 27

caricature (KARE-ihk-uh-choor), noun

Definition: A grotesquely or absurdly exaggerated representation. Political cartoons are the most common examples of caricature, but many modes of expression make use of the form's distortion and contrast.

Sentence: The paintings of Toulouse-Lautrec are often rooted in caricature, but they are more than mere cartoons.


August 30

cavalier (KAV-uh-leer), adjective

Definition: Unconcerned with what is considered important, nonchalantly unengaged, especially with regard to serious matters. A reckless or inattentive person charged with responsibility in affairs of importance can be said to be cavalier.

Sentence: His cavalier attitude toward financial management may be his company's undoing.


August 31

cessation (sess-SAY-shun), noun

Definition: The act of drawing to a close. Cessation is the process of ceasing or reaching a point of abatement.

Sentence: Continued diplomatic effort may well bring about a cessation of hostilities.

Word of the Day - September 2004
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September 1

aesthetic (us-THET-ik), adjective

Definition: Of or related to a sense of what is attractive or beautiful. Also: Related to sensation and feeling as contrasted with reason or logic.

Sentence: It is not my place to comment on the aesthetics of the car; I am here to report on whether it won the race, which it did.


September 2

bilk (bilk), verb

Definition: To swindle or cheat. Someone who defrauds a person or institution of funds or goods bilks the victim.

Sentence: The accountant, investigators learned, had been bilking the company of nearly a quarter of a million dollars a year.


September 3

chagrin (shuh-GRIN), noun

Definition: The emotion of humiliation or embarrassment arising from a disheartening experience. To show chagrin is to give evidence of disappointment with oneself.

Sentence: Much to my chagrin, my application was rejected instantly.


September 6

No school.


September 7

dank (dank), adjective

Definition: Damp and chilly. That which is unpleasantly cold and moist is dank.

Sentence: Inside the cold, dank recesses of the cave, Fred felt suddenly and terrifyingly isolated.


September 8

eclectic (ek-LEK-tic), adjective

Definition: Choosing from a variety of sources or origins. Something that offers a diverse selection of items, styles, or approaches is said to be eclectic.

Sentence: Ryan's anthology offers selections from authors from around the world, resulting in a rather eclectic volume.


September 9

facetious (fuh-SEE-shuss), adjective

Definition: Playful; communicated in jest. That which is frivolous or humorous is facetious.

Sentence: Maria was being facetious when she suggested we stay up all night.


September 10

gauche (gohsh), adjective

Definition: Tactless; lacking in social refinement. A socially inappropriate remark or action could be considered gauche.

Sentence: David's constant praise of his first wife was considered gauche by his new mother-in-law.


September 13

homage (HOM-ij), noun

Definition: Display of special respect or honor. To pay homage to someone is to act in a way that shows high reverence or allegiance.

Sentence: The family made the long auto trip primarily to pay homage to their dying uncle.


September 14

impasse (IM-pass), noun

Definition: A situation that seems to offer no solution or escape. To reach an impasse is to come to a point of stalemate. Literally, an impasse is a dead-end street or passage.

Sentence: Tom realized that his relationship with Betty had come to an impasse; divorce was now on her mind, and he knew it.

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September 15

kinesiology (kih-nee-see-OL-uh-jee), noun

Definition: The study of physical movement and the muscular system. Kinesiology is the science concerned with the movement of muscles and related physical conditioning.

Sentence: Only an expert in kinesiology could provide insight into Carl's illness.


September 16

No school.


September 17

lambaste (LAM-baste), verb

Definition: To reprimand sharply or attack verbally. Lambaste originally meant "to beat harshly."

Sentence: What a lambasting he received from his mother for coming home late!


September 20

macabre (muh-KAH-bruh), adjective

Definition: Horrifying; reminiscent of death. A macabre story is one that focuses on morbid, grisly subjects.

Sentence: The old man's macabre tales frightened the children.


September 21

narcissistic (nar-sis-SIS-tik), adjective

Definition: Possessed by self-love. Someone whose egotism replaces (or seems to replace) attention to others can be said to be narcissistic.

Sentence: Self-promotion is one thing; the narcissistic zeal with which Gerald asserts himself is quite another.


September 22

oblivion (uh-BLIV-ee-un), noun

Definition: The state of being beyond memory and utterly forgotten. To say something is in oblivion is to say it is lost to human recollection.

Sentence: To Tina, the fact that her book was being allowed to go out of print meant that she as an author had been consigned to oblivion.


September 23

parsimonious (par-suh-MOAN-ee-uss), adjective

Definition: Stingy. Someone who is exceptionally frugal or thrifty could be considered parsimonious.

Sentence: The old woman's parsimonious ways were legend; it is said that in a lifetime of restaurant dining, she never once picked up the check.

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September 24

scrutinize (SKROOT-n-ize), verb

Definition: To review very closely. Someone who examines an object or document in great detail scrutinizes it.

Sentence: It is your job to scrutinize these applications carefully for any inaccuracies or misleading statements.


September 27

tenet (TEN-ut), noun

Definition: A principle. Something held to be true, valid, or essential by a group or organization is a tenet.

Sentence: I think you will agree with me that the primary tenet of this company is that customer satisfaction is very important.


September 28

utopia (yoo-TOE-pee-uh), noun

Definition: A (theoretical) perfect society or paradise.

Sentence: The cult member quickly discovered that her new home was not the utopia she believed it would be.


September 29

vexation (vek-SAY-shun), noun

Definition: Irritation. That which aggravates causes vexation.

Sentence: "Where on earth is my horse?" Scarlett demanded in vexation.


September 30

zealot (ZEL-ut), noun

Definition: A fervent or fanatical partisan (in favor of a certain cause.) A zealot is a person who shows great zeal.

Sentence: Although he did not mind overlooking an occasional error in procedure, Mr. Fallow was a zealot when it came to posting correct numbers for an accounting period.

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