ESE Advisory Council Meeting Schedule

This page currently being updated please come back for updated meeting dates.

Parents of Exceptional Students are encouraged to attend the monthly ESE Advisory Council meetings for
Information - Resources - Assistance.

ESE Advisory
24 hour HELP-line
(754) 321-2252

ESE Advisory Council Meetings and Directions Flyer>>

The Mission of Exceptional Student (ESE) Advisory Council is to develop an organized, educated, and
pro-active voice in advocating for programming, funding, and the rights of students with exceptionalities
within our school district and community that results in a positive impact on student achievement and
success. Parent education and training are integral to our mission.

The Purpose
of Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Advisory Council is responsible for providing input
on the effectiveness of educational programs and services for students with exceptionalities.

for information Visit the

Meeting Dates & Topics:

© Western High School, 1200 SW 136th Street, Davie, FL 33325