Minutes from the February 15th SAC Meeting.
School Advisory Council
February 15, 2005
The meeting was called to order by Chair Deb Moeller at 3 PM in the
center at Western High School. Copies of the agenda and previous
meetings minutes were distributed. The minutes of the previous
were amended to add Tina Bajger to the voting parents list, and Joe
Bajger to the non-voting parents list as being in attendance.
PRESENT: Voting Members:
Chair: Deb Moeller
Vice Chair: Amy Eisenberg
Secretary: Rebecca Hahn
Principal: Scott Fiske
Staff: Colleen Borden, Denise Kunz, Linda Morrell, Tarik Smith
Non Instructional: Mary Jo Adair
Parents: Tina Bajger, Irene Denoncourt, Marcy Fallahzadeh (ESOL), Bill
Lucado, Sheri Werbin
Students: Kathleen Denoncourt, Zac Fleisher, Nikki Pye, Ashley Werbin
Community: Judy Paul
Staff: Dierdre Wilson
Administration: Hattie Giles, Denise Jones
Parent: Denise Rakestraw
Regarding the Composition Report, Mario Escalante has been removed as a
voting member, and Katherine Denoncourt and Ashley Werbin have been
Two students, Christy Harmon and Will Joralemon gave a presentation to
SAC members on Western High Schools web site. They explained the
prominent features of the website and demonstrated the ease with which
could be navigated through. They highlighted several important
such as how students could check grades, how students and parents could
obtain test scores, and how teacher information is posted.
ADVISORY REPORT: Sheri Werbin reported on the South Central meeting:
Till spoke on high school reform. The slot machine revenues are
to put 30% of the profits into education, but the state has not
the distribution method. A speaker from Devry University gave
on Outreach programs and Educational Fellowship programs offered to
students. Dr. Farrell spoke on Booster endorsed field trips and said
absences would be unexcused. The new high school in Southwest Ranches
will possibly cause road closures and have an impact on the surrounding
neighborhoods. School uniforms requirements can be waived due to
religious concerns.
Sheri then reported on the High School Council meeting: The late
start time (on every other Wednesday (start time 10:30 AM for students)
for next year will be a dedicated time for collegial planning. Staff
development will include teaching and learning strategies, Reading in
content area, and departmental and team collaboration, new teacher
trainings, and comprehensive parent conferences. More information can
found on the website egle.gallagher@browardschools.com. A summary of
high school data states that none of the Broward Schools met the AYP
4 year). BCPS graduation rates increased from 53.5% in 98-99 to 66.2%
03-04. The graduation rate is lower than the national average (66.2%
71.6%). The SAT scores and participation have increased. Broward
students registered lower scores overall compared to State and National
Verbal Math
Broward 480 487
State 499 499
National 508 518
The promotion rate shows Broward 9th grade students register the lowest
promotion (highest retention) rates.
Sheri then shared the Western Innovation Zone information. Each school
has its own Safety Plan which can be changed as needed and has
contact people who assist the Police on control and safety. Western
Schools safety staging area is the Boys and Girls Club.
OLD BUSINESS: Denise Kunz reported that Needs Assessment surveys went
home to parents yesterday. Teacher surveys were distributed also and
student surveys will be given this week. The community surveys will be
completed by the end of next week.
The proposed Freshman Seminar class waiver did not pass (52 for and 70
against) and will not be a graduation requirement next year. The
will still be offered, but not required for graduation. The 4 X 4
schedule passed (96 for and 26 against) and will be our schedule for
NEW BUSINESS: Committee Updates:
Budget: Mr. Fiske reported that Agenda Books have been ordered for
year, and funds have been earmarked for staff to return to school
(2005-2006) for extra training
FCAT Colleen Borden reported that attendance is down at the Saturday
training sessions, over 200 students registered but last Saturday
115 students attended.
SACS Tarik Smith reported that he and Becky Hahn completed the SAC
Accreditation report.
SLC/SC A meeting on the Freshman Seminar will be held on February
Technology No report.
Needs Assessment See Old Business.
5 Star Denise Rakestraw reported that the report is due on April
Information should be given to her by April 15th. The SAC attendance
Composition Report are the key factors to obtaining the 5 Star Award.
Judy Paul announced that the Town of Davie is hosting its Orange
Festival on February 26th and 27th.
PRINCIPALS REPORT: Mr. Fiske reported that Baseball starts today, as
well as Softball. He said thanks are due to Mr. Ellis and his students
for getting the fields ready. The boys and girls soccer teams won
districts, Track is also beginning. Mr. Fiske said we need to
female athletes to join in all sports. Basketball was successful, and
this years girls team won more games than in the last three years
The FCAT writing test went well with only a few retakes. The Reading
will be given on Monday, February 28th, the Math on Tuesday, March 1st,
with retakes the rest of the week. Science will be given on Monday,
7th; the NRT will be given on Wednesday, March 10th for 9th graders.
Course selections for next year will be part of the Curriculum Guide.
Students will fill out the form included in the book and enter their
choices online.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50PM.
next meeting will be held on March 15th at 3 PM in the Media center.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Hahn, Recording Secretary