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SAC Minutes

September 21st meeting:

Pending Approval

The September 21, 2004 SAC meeting was called to order by Chair Deborah Moeller at 3:25 PM in the Media center. Copies of the agenda were distributed along with copies of the May 25th, 2004 minutes. The minutes were reviewed and approved as written.


Voting Members: Chair &endash; Deborah Moeller, Vice Chair &endash; Amy Eisenberg, Secretary &endash; Rebecca Hahn, Principal &endash; Scott Fiske,

Others present:

Instructional Staff: Colleen Borden, Denise Kunz, Linda Morrell, Tarik Smith, Dierdre Wilson

Administration: Hattie Giles, Denise Jones

Parents: Tina Bajger, Janet Banschbach, Ana Briceno, Irene Denoncourt, Marcy Fallahzadeh, Bill Lucado, Barbara Messina, Debra Miller, Shari Roberts, Denise Rakestraw, Amelia Stolarz

Students: Nikki Pye, Zac Fleisher

SAF Chair: Sherri Werbin

Composition Report: Deborah Moeller, Amy Eisenberg and Rebecca Hahn were elected officers of the SAC committee last May and are automatically voting members. Mr. Scott Fiske is automatically a voting member as Principal.

Sheri Werbin reported that at the SAF meeting a discussion was held and the following parents have volunteered to be a part of our SAC committee as voting members: Debra Miller will represent us as our ESE parent; the other parents will be: Tina Bajger, Jacquie Cotugno, Irene Denoncourt, Barbara Messina, Bill Lucado, Marcy Fallahzadeh. It was moved and seconded that we accept these parents as voting members of our SAC committee. Motion carried.

Instructional staff members present that volunteered to serve as voting members were: Colleen Borden, Denise Kunz, Linda Morrell, and Tarik Smith. It was moved and seconded that we accept these nominees as voting members of our SAC committee. Motion carried.

Student members Nikki Pye and Zac Fleisher were nominated and accepted by the group as voting members of the SAC Composition.

Sherri Werbin will be a voting member as SAF chair, and she is also our I-Zone representative.

OLD BUSINESS: Deborah Moeller distributed copies of the SIP to be reviewed. Mr. Fiske went over all sections of the plan and explained each one.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Fiske announced that Western High School was one of 74 schools in our community that received the "5 Star Award". He presented plaques to Hattie Giles and Denise Rakestraw in appreciation of all their hard work and effort last year to complete the books necessary for us to win this award. They will be attending an awards luncheon where the school will be presented with the award.

WHS Boundaries: Mr. Fiske reported that every school is required to hold a boundary meeting at least once a year and today is our meeting. Western High School is currently designated as "critically overcrowded" and Mr. Fiske reported he expects an additional 250 to 300 students next year. The 24-room addition has been approved (12 rooms designated as Science classrooms and 12 rooms designated as general classrooms) and construction will begin soon but will not be completed until the 2005-2006 school year. He explained that a two-question survey from the district must be responded to with Western's wishes.

Question 1: Does Western High School wish to be involved in the boundary decisions?

Question 2: Since Western High School is critically overcrowded, which of the following solutions would Western High School want to utilize in order to solve the problem of over crowding?

Possible solutions:1. Additional portables or modules

2. Cap the enrollment of Western High School

3. Initiate a flexible schedule

4. Make boundary changes

5. Add a re-configured grade

On question one, a discussion ensued and a consensus was reached that Western High does not wish to participate in the boundary decisions.

On question two, Mr. Fiske explained that the five choices available come from School Board policy 5000 and these are the only possibilities. He also stated that he has already requested (at the end of last year) an additional 12 portables for us. He went over each of the choices and explained what each one would mean. A discussion was held and several people spoke on what they preferred. It was moved and seconded that we submit our three choices as the first three in the order they were presented (as written above). Consensus approved and Mr. Fiske will submit our answers.

BY-LAWS: Deborah Moeller distributed copies of a generic set of SAC By-laws. She asked that everyone read them over and changes will be submitted at the next SAC meeting.

MEETING DATES & TIMES: It was suggested that future SAC meetings be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 3:00 PM in the media center. Consensus agreed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM. The next SAC meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 19th at 3:00 PM in the media center.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Hahn, Secretary