














Calendar Year 2002-2003

September 5, 2002 Meeting
--Important NOTE:--
Minutes are pending approval during the October Meeting

The SAC meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bardetta Haygood at 3:05 PM in the media center of the main campus.

In attendance:

Staff: Dawn Bronstein, John Bua, Pam Delucia, Pam Devine, , Amy Eisenberg, Phyllis Greenstein, Rebecca Hahn, Karl Linhart, Jacky Lowe, Deborah Moeller, Linda Morrell, Caryl Nalven, Pedro Pera, Karen Tarala, Alexis Vlachakis, Dr. Wilson

Parents: Rochelle Haber

Students: Jared Torres, Matt Haber, Joe Puliclo, Joshua Powers, ;

Administration: Frances Bolden, Marco Caceres, Hattie Giles, Denise Jones, Carlos Rodriguez

Volunteer: Marcy Fallahzadeh

Agenda's for today's meeting along with a flyer for the SAF meeting was distributed. A SAC composition report was distributed with guidelines and mandatory members required for membership.

Bardetta introduced this year's officers (elected last May) - Pedro Pera, Co-Chair and Becky Hahn, Secretary. She also introduced Ms. Sheri Werbin, the new SAF chairperson. A nominating committee was formed, consisting of Pedro Pera, Jacky Lowe, Caryl Nalven, and Dr. Wilson.

Bardetta spoke of the SACS Accreditation process that Western High School must go through this year. It is a 14-month process and committee signups were distributed previously. These committees must include parents, students, staff, and community members. Budget dollars for SAC is determined by the FTE count, $10.00 per student.

SAC committees as set up last year were reviewed and amended as follows:

1. Block Schedule Committee- Deleted

2. Budget Committee- Combined with Teacher Mini Grant Committee

3. Early Release Committee- Deleted

4. FCAT Reading- Combined with Committee #5 FCAT Math

5. FCAT Math- Combined with Committee #4 FCAT Reading

6. Mentorship Committee- Deleted &endash; reports will be given at meetings

7. Needs Assessment- Deleted (now a duty of Co-Chair)

8. SACS Accreditation- Retained as before

9. Smaller Learning Communities- Combined with School to Career Program

10. Teacher Mini Grant Committee- Combined with Budget Committee

11. Technology Committee- Retained as before


SAC will now have the following five committees:

1. Budget Committee

2. FCAT Committee

3. SACS Accreditation Committee

4. Smaller Learning Communities/School to Career Committee

5. Technology Committee


Rochelle Haber spoke about the Guidance Advisory Board formed last year to coordinate extra curricular activities and maintain ties with the guidance department. Matthew Haber is the chairperson. The first meeting will beheld in October.

PRINCIPAL'S REPORT: Mrs. Bolden welcomed everyone and gave an overview of what's going on at Western High. There was a 'New Student Orientation' held August 24th due to the new boundary changes. The school board has approved a new policy on exam waivers. All staff, students and parents will be receiving written policy guidelines by September 17th. Mrs. Bolden also shared that Western has thirteen new staff members. There is a new Human Relations Council designed to deal with diversity, Bardetta Haygood is chairperson. The district has established a new guidance position, 'Guidance Data Specialist". The responsibilities will include assisting staff and counselors with reports, testing information, etc. This will be a data based position, requires and Associates degree, and will take over most of the clerical duties involved in the guidance department.

Denise Jones spoke on our enrollment, so far numbers are about as expected. Scheduling is still being tweaked.

Carlos Rodriquez is working on the transportation problems. Any concerns please call him at 370-1602.

Bardetta spoke on the after school program, Cats for Cats. This is the Honor Society tutoring where students tutor students. She has received 10 applications from teachers to participate in this program and decisions will be announced later. The school recognition money was rolled over from last year to fund this program.

Dates to remember:

-September 11th - Memorial Service at 9:45 AM, Pledge, Preamble to Constitution and

Davie Fire & Police Departments will be present

-September 24th - Volunteer Breakfast, Media Center on main campus

- September 24th - OPEN HOUSE &endash; 9th Annex

- September 26th- OPEN HOUSE &endash; Main Campus

- September 27th- School Improvement Plan due

- October 3rd- Next SAC Meeting, media center at the main campus

(Meetings will be on the first Thursday of each month &endash; 10/3; 11/7; no December meeting; 1/16 joint SAC & SAF meeting, 7 PM), 2/6; 3/6, 4/3)

- October 7th &endash; 11th- FCAT retakes

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Hahn