














Calendar Year 2003-2004

October 28, 2003



The October 28th meeting of Western High School's School Advisory Council was called to order by Chairman Deborah Moeller at 3:07 PM in the Media Center.


Faculty: Bob Abels, Colleen Borden, John Bua, Juana Diaz-Sawyer, Rebecca Hahn, Denise Kunz, Beatrice McMillion, Deborah Moeller, Linda Morrell, Tarik Smith,

Administration: Monty Escabi, Scott Fiske, Denise Jones, Judy Patterson

Parents: Paula Baumgart, Irene Denoncourt, Amy Eisenberg, Bill Lucado, Arnie Moore, Sylvia McGinley

Students: Evelys Vega, Holly Greenberg, Hollanda Iwanski, Morvarid Fallahzadeh, Nick Lucado, Jared Torres

Community: Sheri Werbin, Judy Paul

Copies of the previous meeting's minutes were distributed. Correction was made as to Faculty attendance to add Bob Abels. Copies of blank biography sheets were distributed by Chair Deborah Moeller and requested to be filled out by SAC members and returned to her before the end of the meeting. Copies of the agenda were distributed.

ADVISORY REPORT: Sheri Werbin reported that at the meeting, 28 credits for graduation were recommended and it was recommended that Western not be a part of the boundary process. With regard to service hours, the NHS students can receive 1 service hour if they show up to tutor, even if they don't tutor. Forty service hours are required to graduate, 70 hours required for FAS program; and 250+ hours to receive the silver cord. The Booster club guidelines are being drafted at this time.

SIP - Copies of the School Improvement Plan were distributed. Additions may be made during the year. Mr. Fiske reported that the plan has been submitted.


Deborah Moeller reported a need to appoint Committee Chairs and the various duties of each committee were discussed.

BUDGET - Duties of the committee will be to report on this year's budget and to plan for next years spending.

Mr. Fiske reported two budget items: 1) - there is $8.11 left in the A+ monies and in Accountability funds there is a total of $39,689.40 available (this is a combination of monies left over from last year and this year's allocation). Mr. Fiske also reported that the after-school tutoring teachers are being paid from the Extended Learning Opportunities fund. Denise Kunz nominated Linda Morrell to be Budget Chair, Juana Diaz-Sawyer seconded. Committee members nominated were Denise Kunz, Holly Greenberg, Bob Abels and Tarik Smith. Consensus approved all nominations.

FCAT - Duties of the committee include keeping track of test scores and data that will be used for next year's report. Denise Kunz nominated Colleen Borden as Chair. Linda Morrell seconded. Colleen Borden said she would accept appointment as a representative from SAC and that she will recruit members to form a committee. Consensus approved.

SACS - Duties will be to keep track of all data for the next evaluation in four years. Judy Patterson nominated Tarik Smith to chair. Juana Diaz-Sawyer seconded. Becky Hahn will co-chair with Tarik. Consensus approved.

SMALLER LEARNING COMMUNITIES/SCHOOL TO CAREER: Duties include overseeing the Smaller Learning directives from the district. Mr. Fiske reminded everyone that the SIP objective expires next year and may not be included in the SIP in the future. Judy Paul, Davie City Council Member, volunteered to co-chair this committee. Mr. Fiske said he had someone in mind to also co-chair and would discuss it with that person and report at the next meeting. Consensus approved.

TECHNOLOGY - Duties include making recommendations on spending with regards to Technology. Denise Kunz nominated Arnie Moore. Tarik Smith seconded. John Bua was included on the committee. Consensus approved.


Deborah Moeller clarified procedures for the SAC meetings. The agenda is prepared one-week prior to the meeting. If an item is not on the agenda it cannot be voted on and must be tabled until the following meeting when it can/will be placed on the agenda. Anyone with an item to be brought to the Committee must contact Deborah Moeller prior to the preparation of the agenda. In fairness to all and to keep the meetings manageable, anyone wishing to address the committee will be allowed no more than two minutes to speak to an issue. It was also requested that to run more efficiently, that voting members sit together at the meetings.

Mr. Fiske recommended adding Judy Paul as a voting member of the SAC committee. Becky Hahn seconded. Consensus approved.

It was also recommended that students Hollanda Iwanski and Nick Lucado also be added as voting members. Irene Denocourt will replace Denise Albertini as the ESE representative. Denise will become a Faculty member.


Judy Paul announced the Davie Pioneer Days next Saturday. The program of Replant Broward is sponsoring the give away of trees between 9 AM - 2 PM on Saturday and 9AM - 1 PM on Sunday behind the Old Davie Schoolhouse.

Judy Patterson requested that all Faculty attending the SACS dinner on Sunday evening, wear their new Faculty shirts.

Mr. Fiske invited all parents and community members present to attend the dinner Sunday evening. Please RSVP to Judy Patterson.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 PM. The next meeting will be on November 25th at 3:00 PM in the media center.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Hahn, SAC Secretary