














Calendar Year 2002-2003

May 1, 2003

--Pending Approval--


The May meeting of the WHS SAC committee was called to order by Chair Bardetta Haygood at 3:10 PM in the media center of the main campus.



Bob Abels, John Bua, Dawn Bronstein, Michael Conti, Pam DeLucia, Amy Eisenberg, Phyllis Greenstein, Rebecca Hahn, Bardetta Haygood, Robb Kvasnak, Karl Linhart, Janet McClain, Linda Morrell, Pedro Pera, Tarik Smith, Dee Dee Tomar Tracy, Alex Vlachakis, Deirdre Wilson, Sheri Werbin, Rochelle Haber, Matt Haber, Joseph Pulido, Josh Powers, Frances Bolden, Marco Caceres, Denise Jones, Hattie Giles, Judy Patterson


Copies of the previous month's minutes were distributed and read. A correction was made to the attendance list of the April meeting to reflect John Bua was in attendance.



South Central Area Report: Sheri Werbin said there was no report as there had not been a meeting.

Technology Committee: Dawn Bronstein reported there would be a technology meeting next week, Thursday, May 8th in the media center of the main campus at 3 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.


SAC Accreditation: Pam DeLucia reported that Group 4 had met on Monday and Group 5 will be meeting on Early Release, May 14th.


Smaller Learning Communities: Pam DeLucia reported that the Career Fair was held and our goals were met. The written report is due the end of June. On May 20th, the Gates/McGinty testing of 9th graders will take place. Pedro Pera distributed a chart of student tutoring.


SIP: Bardetta distributed a "draft" of the SIP plan. She went through the plan page by page and reviewed the proposed objectives and action steps. On the Smaller Learning Communities/School to Career objective there were three options presented to maintain the plan since the grant has expired and there are no more funds available. Option 1 - guidance counselors would handle plan. Option 2 - plan would be handled by Pam Nolan as part of Service Cat and assisted by Mr. Daquin and the guidance department. Option 3 - Janet McClain would handle plan. Pedro Pera moved that we endorse Option 3. Dawn Bronstein seconded. Consensus agreed. Dawn Bronstein moved that the supplement to go along with Option 3 be Janet's hourly wage up to $2,000.00 plus the BTU contractual supplement for the Career Ed position. Dee Dee Tomar Tracey seconded. Consensus agreed. Following the consensus, Denise Jones expressed concerns over the amount of the supplement. It was suggested that a committee be formed to review the amount of the supplement as it compares to a coach's or the band director's supplement. Bardetta reminded everyone that the motions had been made and seconded and that a consensus had approved both motions. Mike Conti mentioned health and Safety issues and the student discipline plan. The BTU contract states that the School Advisory Council and the Faculty Council "shall" develop a school discipline plan. The Faculty Council "shall" appoint five teachers to work with the SAC committee and administration to develop a discipline plan. This must be part of the school improvement plan per the BTU contract. Mr. Conti requested that anyone interested in joining the Health and Safety committee please contact him or Mr. Bob Abels.

Technology Café: This item was added and will be funded $3,000 from PSTF funds.


Bardetta presented a proposal from Dr. Escabi regarding Agenda Books. If the school purchased enough books for the entire student population, the cost would be approximately $6,000. Bob Abels made a motion that we do not expend funds for this purpose. Karl Linhart seconded. Consensus approved. Dawn Bronstein moved we purchase binders with graphic organizers for department heads and the media center at a cost of no more than $200.00. Consensus agreed.


Dr. Wilson reported that guidance registered 472 students from Indian Ridge yesterday and that 797 out of 900 course selections had been completed so far at the main campus.


Principal's Report: Ms. Bolden reported that the summer school issue is still undecided. There will be another principal's meeting on May 15th. She also reported on the film festival, taking place at WHS this evening. She shared that 13 schools had submitted entries and the event was organized by Matt Haber. Ms. Bolden also shared that May 7th will be part of a Zone Initiative and staff is requested to wear their shirts. It was mentioned that grants will be the major source of funding for special projects next year and she suggested that a committee be formed to follow through with help on applications. Ms. Bolden also shared that the window of re-assignments had opened at the District today. Students wishing to be re-assigned must go the re-assignment office before coming to

Western to register. She also shared that we will be receiving two new portables and they will be placed at/on/near the bicycle racks at the south end of the campus. The four existing portables on the east side of the school near the art wing will be moved to the north end of the school where there are now three portables. The board has approved the contractor to begin setting up the staging area for the construction.


Election of Officers: Amy Eisenberg distributed ballots with the nominees for the SAC officer's for next year. Linda Morrell asked that her name be deleted from the nomination for Co-Chair. Dawn Bronstein asked that her name be deleted from the nomination for Chair. Voting members marked their ballots and Amy collected the votes. Results to be announced later.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next SAC meeting will be called when the results are in.


Respectfully submitted,



Rebecca Hahn, Secretary