Calendar Year 2003-2004
Minutes March 23, 2004
The meeting was called to order by Deb Moeller at 3:07 PM in the Media Center. An agenda was distributed and minutes of the previous meeting were also distributed.
Corrections were made to the attendance of the previous meeting: added Parent: Marcy Fallahzadh; and added Non- Voting: Jackie Lowe, Arnie Moore, The minutes were approved as corrected.
ATTENDING: Voting Members
Administration: Scott Fiske
Faculty: Bob Abels, Amy Eisenberg, Rebecca Hahn, Denise Kunz, Bea McMillion, Deborah Moeller, Linda Morrell
Non Instructional: Mary Jo Adair
Parents: Sylvia McGinley, Bill Lucado, Arnie Moore, Audrey Venis, Marcy Fallahzadh
Students: Morvarid Fallahzadeh, Hollanda Iwanski, Nick Lucado, Jared Torres, Evelys Vega
Community: Judy Paul, Sheri Werbin
Faculty: Colleen Borden, John Bua, Tarik Smith, Diedre Wilson
Administration: Hattie Giles
Parents: Julia Caira
Students: Cambria Stieve
ADVISORY REPORT: Sheri Werbin reported on the new 2004-05 school calendar which will begin (for students) on August 16th and end on June 2nd. This will allow Mid Term exams on Dec. 22nd & 23rd. The 2005-06 school year will begin (for students) on August 8th and end on May 25th. She also reported that the Memorial Counselors for the Western Zone are housed at Western High School. Beginning next year, students without documentation of current shots will not be allowed to graduate. At the Advisory meeting, Barbara Correll, Director of Learning Resources, commented on the need to update all media centers as most books predate 1980 and are not current.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Budget: No report.
FCAT: Colleen Borden will provide us with a data analysis of the FCAT results after the scores come out.
SACS: No report.
Technology: No report.
Smaller Learning Communities: Dr. Wilson reported on the Career Fair. Forty confirmed guests will be present and the Florida Career College will be here. A committee was formed with Shirley McGinley, Mathew Daquin, and Judy Paul joining.
SIP Goals: Ms. Stolarz had proposed we increase the number of students involved in after school programs. One suggestion was made to offer service hours – which we cannot do per District policy. Another suggestion was to offer extra credit – which we also cannot do per District policy. Other suggestions included have current participants recruit their friends - which is ongoing; and to set aside time to encourage the incoming 9th graders to join our clubs. Mr. Fiske said we are already doing this now with our “8th Grade Invasion”. Mr. Fiske suggested we establish a committee to research what action steps and implementation processes we can take. Jared Torres will serve with Ms. Stolarz as possible Co-Chair, and Mr. Fiske will find a Co-Chair from the faculty.
Guidance: Dr. Wilson provided information on the number of students taking the FCAT in each subject area.
NEW BUSINESS: Needs Assessment: Linda Morrell, Denise Kunz, Bea McMillion, and Amy Eisenberg worked on the samples of previous needs reports and provided drafts of the proposed Student, Faculty, Community, and Parent surveys. Everyone was asked to review them and to bring suggestions to next meeting for final revisions.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM. The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 27th in the media center.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Hahn, Recording Secretary