














Calendar Year 2002-2003

February 13, 2003

The February meeting of the SAC Committee was called to order by Chairperson Bardetta Haygood at 3:05 PM in the media center at the main campus of Western High School.


Faculty: Denise Albertini, Dawn Bronstein, John Bua, Michael Conti, Pam DeLucia, Amy Eisenberg, Phyllis Greenstein, Rebecca Hahn, Madeleine Molinet, Pedro Pera, Karen Tarala, Dee Tracey

Community: Sheri Werbin

Parents: Rochelle Haber

Students: Austin Barnes, Matt Haber, Joshua Powers, Joseph Pulido

Administration: Frances Bolden, Marco Caceres, Hattie Giles, Denise Jones

South Central Area Report:

Ms. Werbin reported that all previous discussions regarding boundaries have been dismissed and that there will be no boundary changes regarding Western High School and Cypress Bay. The next meeting will be on February 22, 2003 at Parkway Middle at 8:30 AM.


The next meeting will be on February 20, 2003 at 7 PM at Western High School.

Principal's Report:

Ms. Bolden reported that the 2nd semester is going well, and class sizes are reasonable. There are eighty four early graduates. The security at the main campus and the annex seems okay. The FCAT writing is finished. Mock testing took place and went well. We are now under "anchor days" and no TDA's or field trips may be during this time. We have approximately 40 seniors with the required GPA's and number of credits, who still need to pass the FCAT.

Ms. Bolden reported that she receives emails from Mr. Meletta regarding security and that we should all be on the lookout for strange packages, strange people walking or driving on campus. If anything is noticed, do not touch but notify security.

Ms. Bolden also reported that the auditorium is being worked on, new lights are being installed, and the sound system is being refurbished. The work should be completed in six to eight weeks.

Committee Reports:

Safety & Discipline - plan is posted on the website. A committee sheet was passed around for members to sign up to meet within the next seven days to review and develop a plan. Anyone interested in being a part of this committee please contact John Bua.

SIP - a sign up sheet was passed around for members to sign up. A meeting will be scheduled later.

Needs Assessment - Pedro Pera attending a meeting regarding this and reported that we will be receiving data from the warehouse as opposed to conducting surveys to parents, students, and/or faculty.

Block Schedule - Mike Conti, as BTU representitive, reported that the Block can be "tweeked" via a committee for implementation possibly in 2004-2005. A committee will be formed to discuss the possible variations. Ms. Haber requested that parents be allowed to have input into "tweeking" the block. For the 2003-2004 school year we must vote to keep it "as is" or return to the seven period rotator schedule. The vote must pass by a 66 -2/3 majority and a "no vote" is a vote to return to the rotator schedule. Mike will distribute a survey within two weeks. Following the results of the survey, the faculty will formally vote.

Bardetta Haygood reported there is a $500 supplement for a Block Schedule Chair and that we need people to work on this. The people who want to "tweek" the block should sit on the committee. Anyone interested in being Chair or a member of this committee should speak to Mike Conti.

Budget - As of January 15th our remaining balance of the A+ monies was $19,642.00. As we had allocated $30,000 last year for the after school program, there are still salaries to be paid out of this money. Mr. Terry's request last year for $944 for 35 MM cameras was tabled in November. The consensus of today's meeting was to approve the purchase of these cameras. There were no objections.

The Accountability funds available are $21,632.00. Our last expense was for $4,000 for the FCAT preparation. It was suggested that we hold on to these funds until next year. There were no objections.

FCAT - DeeDee distributed a handout on Preparedness Activities. She reported that Saturday school is from 8 - 11:45 AM, and the FCAT explorer is now online. There are 100 students enrolled in the Saturday school and that there is an average attendance of 55 students. The daily and weekly-televised lessons by Bardetta and herself are going well and there will be weekly pullouts for those students identified by teachers as needing extra help.

SAC Accreditation- Pam DeLucia reported that the five committees meet in sequential order, and the third committee has just met. She distributed a handout containing the Mission and Belief statements. She will be distributing a "desired results for student learning" survey and the results will be tallied.

Smaller Learning Communities - Pam DeLucia reported that we are one of eighteen sites that will be visited in March by people from Orlando. April 2nd is the date scheduled for our Career Fair at the main campus, and April 10th is scheduled for the 9th Annex.

Technology - Dawn Bronstein reported there is a balance of $48,212 and a meeting had been held to oversee how this would be spent. A written report with recommendations was distributed. However, Dawn reported that since there will be no boundary changes and the 9th Annex would belong to Cypress Bay next year, the distribution of funds would have to be revisited. A new meeting will be scheduled and the date and time will be announced at a later date.

It was suggested that at Articulation, we invite parents from Indian Ridge Middle School and Tequesta to come and see what Western High School has to offer.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. The next SAC meeting will be on March 6th, 3 PM, in the Media center at the main campus.


Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Hahn

SAC Secretary