














Calendar Year 2003-2004


February 25, 2004

The meeting was called to order by Chair Deb Moeller at 3:05 PM in the media center. An agenda and minutes from the previous meeting were distributed.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

ATTENDING: Voting Members:

Faculty: Bob Abels, Amy Eisenberg, Rebecca Hahn, Denise Kunz, Bea McMillion, Deborah Moeller, Linda Morrell

Non-Instructional: Mary Jo Adair

Parents: Paula Baumgart, Irene Denoncourt, Bill Lucado, Arnie Moore

Students: Holly Greenberg, Nick Lucado

Community: Judy Paul, Sheri Werbin

Non-voting: Mary Jo Adair, Colleen Borden, John Bua, Denise Jones, Tarik Smith, Deirdre Wilson

ADVISORY REPORT: Sheri reported on the South Central Area Advisory meeting. She reported that the Science FCAT test will not count this year, but next year all current 9th graders must pass the Science portion in order to graduate. Testing results will be released in May and school grades will be announced in June. Tenth graders will need 300 or more to pass Math & Reading and in 2004-05 a 3.5, and in 2005-06 a 4.0.


BUDGET: Linda reported that no accountability monies have been dispersed as yet. The Saturday FCAT Camp is being covered by the Extended Learning Budget.

FCAT: Colleen reported that this coming Saturday is our fifth and final camp day. She said between 120 and 160 students is the average attendance.

SACS: No report.

TECHNOLOGY: Arnie reported that the district will have WHS hooked up to the fiber optics by next year. The school has received a donation of 500 used computers. Arnie said that about half will be used for parts to make the other half operational. The new server is on campus but due to elevator repairs it has not yet been moved up to the Media center and installed. It will be up and running next year. There is about $40,000 left in the technology budget and printers are being purchased for the portables.

SMALLER LEARNING COMMUNITIES: Deirdre reported for Judy Paul that a letter of request to be distributed to the community regarding donations for our Career Awareness Program was prepared and copies were distributed. The program will be held on March 30th and everyone was asked that if they know of a community business or organization that would like to participate to please share with Ms. Paul or Dr. Wilson.

FUTURE SIP GOALS: Deb asked if anyone had suggestions for next year's SIP goals. No response. Since Ms. Stolarz was not in attendance, this item was tabled until the next meeting.


Guidance report: Deirdre reported Western High School has been approved to be an official SAT testing site, our number is 20-241. She reported that 100 students have already signed up. The ACT testing will also be available here.

Needs Assessment: Becky was able to find copies of last years Needs Assessment for students, parents, and community. Becky also found copies of the assessment from 1999-2000 for teachers, students, and parents. Deb provided copies for all present. Deb suggested that we must now include teachers, students, parents and community as these are our stakeholders. A discussion was held on what we should and should not include on the survey and on how to administer it efficiently and make it easy to tabulate. Becky recommended that everyone take home the surveys and cross off questions we don't need to ask and to add questions we need to ask. Suggestions for administering the surveys ranged from online for students, email to teachers and hard copies for parents. No suggestions were made for community participants. The discussion also included whether or not to do a "sampling" of students, parents, and community or to do a complete survey where everyone has an opportunity to respond. Everyone was asked to bring their ideas to the next SAC meeting.

Waiver process: No ideas for waivers were submitted.

Announcements: Holly Greenberg was selected as Senior of the Month.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM. The next SAC meeting will be Tuesday, March 23, 2004.


Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Hahn, Recording Secretary