














Calendar Year 2003-2004

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chair Deb Moeller at 3:05 PM in the media center. An agenda and minutes from the previous meeting were distributed.
Mr. Fiske stated that his name was listed on Voting and Non-voting list. Ms. Moeller indicated that she forwarded her changes to Mrs. Hahn already. The minutes of the previous meetings were approved with the changes.

ATTENDING: Voting Members
Administration: Scott Fiske
Faculty: Amy Eisenberg, Rebecca Hahn, Denise Kunz, Bea Mcmillion, Deborah Moeller, Linda Morrell
Non-Instructional: Mary Jo Adair
Parents: Amelia Stolarz, Mary Fallahzadh, Irene Denoncourt, Bill Lucado
Students: Holly Greenberg, Nick Lucado, Brian Chung, Hollanda Iwanski, Morvand Fallahzadh
Community: Judy Paul, Sheri Werbin

Non-voting Members:
Administration: Bill Meadows
Faculty: Colleen Borden, Tarik Smith, Deirdre Wilson

SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL: Sheri Werbin reported that there was only a South Central Area Advisory Meeting this month. The 2005/06 school calendar was voted on and passed, with school beginning August 8, 2005 and last day being May 26, 2006. There was discussion on Supply Fees again. Must be in writing to parents. No student can be penalized for not paying. Virtual classes will be open to students who need the credit for graduation before any others. Mr. Fiske reported that the medicine draft policy is something we all need to look at. Non Prescription medicine presently is not allowed to be carried or taken by students. A proposal is being presented to allow students to carry and distribute their own over the counter medications. It was met with disapproval from Secondary Principals. He urges everyone to get involved because student can still overdose on over the counter medications.
BUDGET: Linda Morrell reported status quo.
FCAT: Colleen Borden reported that the scores are coming back. We will be looking at strategies for June retakes. (9th and 10th grade scores will come in the middle of May.

TECHNOLOGY: No report because Arnie Moore was not present

SMALLER LEARNING COMMUNITIES: Judy Paul reported on three items:
1. Will be preparing certification for validation at next council meeting.
2. No students from Western are ever submitted as Citizen of the Month.
3. Looking for two appointments
A. School Advisory Board
- Various Activities
- Determining school site for new Davie Middle School
- How town can be proactive dealing with the School Board
B. Child Safety Board
- Meets every other month (usually Mondays, 7:30 PM at Police Dept.)
- Distributes helmets
If anyone is interested in serving on either of these Boards, please call Judy Paul at 954 476-2515 between 5:30 and 6:00 PM.
Mr. Fiske thanked Judy Paul for assistance in Career Fair. Also indicated that new Davie middle school will most likely affect Westerns boundaries. Dr. Wilson also thanked Judy Paul for her help in obtaining Nova Southeastern University as a Western partner. Deb Moeller thanked Judy Paul for attending American Idol and all her support.
GUIDANCE REPORT: FCAT students who did not pass, can retake in June. Will be offering Intensive Math class next year. Decreased 1/10 of a point in Writing. 9th and 10th grade NRT scores increased. Dr. Wilson reported that all AP Coordinator Meetings will be held at Western from now on.
NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Deb Moeller reported that they are gathering Needs Assessment Survey statistics. Results will be given out at next meeting May 6, 2004. Community Survey has not been given out yet. Ms. Moeller informed us that 8 meetings a year need to be held. It was agreed to hold the next meeting on May 6, 2004. The last SAC meeting in May will be a joint one with SAF. Last meeting in May will be voting for officers for next year. Urging parents to attend last meeting on 5/26. SIP Plan will be announced.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM.