Instructor: Mr. Spereno
This program should be strongly considered by those aspiring to enter any field of Engineering or Architecture. This program also qualifies for both Tech Prep and Gold Seal Scholarship. Tech Prep is a program that affords the student the ability to receive college credits for classes taken in high school. Gold Seal Scholarship is a seventy-five percent tuition paid scholarship in any Florida Sate college, community college or approved technical school.
Learn the basics of three- view drawing, sections views, Architecture and Auto- Cad (computer assisted drafting).
"Let's do some more Architecture. We'll do some residential and let's give commercial architecture a shot. Why don't we try some model building?"
"Mr. Spereno likes us to call this our Exploration Class. This is when we take a look a t all the fields of Architecture and Engineering that are out there in the real world. We get to design and build bridges and towers then test their strength in this structure tester he has. Were going to design cars, planes, and rockets next. Right now were trying to get him to let us do some boat design."
"This is what we have been working for! We actually get to design a structure that will be built by the class. Everyone in the class submits a design for the annual project, then the class votes on the best one. Here are some of the past projects the classes have built. Look around campus they are everywhere."
- September 11 Memorial, built 2002
If you would like more information come to Room 902 and talk to Mr. Spereno.
For more information, email .

Come to Mr. Spereno's Class in Room 902, behind the Gym. Parents are also welcome.
