Mrs Lowe's Prostart Classes

The purpose of this course is to prepare students to understand the relationship between nutrition & wellness. The course also provides for students to prepare foods that are nutritious. The students will also develop an awareness of the consumer issues relating to health & wellness.
Areas to be covered in ProStart 1 Preparing for a Sucessful Career, Successful Customer Relations, Preparing and Serving Safe Food, Preventing Accidents and Injuries, Kitchen Basics, Food Services Equipment, Nutrition, Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches, Working with People, Salads & Garnishes, Business Math, Fruits & Vegetables, Controlling Foodservice Costs,
ProStart 2& 3 includes the following areas The History of Foodservice, Potatoes and Grains, The Lodging Industry, The Art of Service, Desserts and Baked Goods, Maketing and Menu, Purchasing and Inventory Control, Meat, Poultry, and Seafood, StandardAccounting Practices, Stocks, soups, and Sauces, Tourism anad the Retail Industry, Communicating with Customers
Family and Consumer Sciences OJT ProStart 4
Students must complete 400 hours of hospitality-related work experience. Students must have on file a compy of a signed employment agreement. The student must complete a workplace competency checklist. The check list is completed by the mentor.
For more information, email .

PROSTART 1 Class Assignments
Wear uniforms Friday, 11/19/04 Portfolio project Due Dec. 7 Homework, 2 pieces of academic work, 1 certificate, letter of reference, 2 extra curricular activities
Cooking Lab Friday 11/19/04 Healty Diet Project Due 11/16/04 Tuesday Wellness Project Due Dec.1 Poster presentation Wed. Nov 17
Week 1
week1.doc Week 2
week2.doc Week 3
week3.doc Week 4

